The importance of cyber coverage cannot be overstated. The recent cyberattack on Auckland Transport in late 2023, leading to the disruption of its ticketing system, serves as a timely reminder for all businesses. In an era where technology is ubiquitous, every business, regardless of size, becomes a potential target for cyber threats. Whether you own a mobile phone or a laptop, hackers may have you in their crosshairs.
As the frequency of cyberattacks continues to rise, so does the availability of cyber insurance. we are well-equipped to assist with various policies that cover aspects such as data breaches, theft, and system hacking, among others. We are committed to supporting you throughout the investigation, managing damages, and facilitating recovery in the aftermath of a cyber incident.
Given the ever-evolving nature of cybercrimes and threats, it is crucial to remain vigilant. Regularly reviewing and enhancing your cyber security management policy is essential. Leave no stone unturned when safeguarding your digital assets against external threats, ensuring comprehensive protection for your business.
Feel free to contact us for a review of your insurance policies or any inquiries you may have.